Product quality is the foundation of our business. It is the driving force behind all major decisions that govern our business. As official importer of the brandLechlerfor Belgium we have in our premises, a paint laboratory for you to manufacture both paints for industry and for the automobile.
With LTC Refinish we provide you with all the products necessary to carry out your bodywork activity. Through its history and its technological conquests, Lechler has always been a reference brand in the Automotive world at an international level. The main technical developments in the sector have seen Lechler bring to market, often in advance, innovative products, systems and services with a high technological content. LTC Refinish has the resources to help you work with the productsLechler in your body.
But through ourweb shop we also offer different brands of paints and consumables always chosen for their qualities.
Our financial strength and our trading and purchasing strategy allow us to offer you all these products at competitive prices. What makes ofwww.ltcrefinish.be the first Belgian online sales site in the automotive sector.
With LTC Industrie we will find you the ideal coating with the right application so that your products take on real added value. We have all the resources to manufacture the productsLechler and equip you to apply them in the best quality, economic and environmental conditions.